도서 소개
I have prepared this book for students who study nursing to improve speaking abilities as well as proper communication with people at the health care facilities.
It is divided three chapters – Hospital, Pain and Treatment, and Multi-Culture Society. Each chapter deals with basic conversations of daily life and various situations in the hospital. Therefore I put some useful expressions of symptoms and treatments depending on each clinical situation. Speaking section allows students to learn how to create variations in their speech and keep a conversation exciting. The activities in this book such as Let’s talk, Case study, Core Nursing Skills enable students to practice a variety of language and to apply what they have learned in real situations. Each reading section allows students to develop academic reading including up-dated nursing and health information.
Chapter I. Hospital
Unit 1. Health Care Workers
Unit 2. Health Care Facilities
Chapter II. Pain & Treatment
Unit 3. Cardiovascular Disease
Unit 4. Endocrine Disease
Unit 5. Gastrointestinal Disease
Unit 6. Respiratory Disease
Unit 7. Oncology
Unit 8. Orthopedics
Unit 9. Plastic Surgery
Unit 10. Brain Disorder
Unit 11. OB-Gynecology
Unit 12. Psychical Disorder
Chapter III. Communication
Unit 13. Multi-Culture Society
Unit 14. Harmony with People
저자 소개
Kerrie Park (박금녀)
부산대학교 영어영문학과 졸업
동대학원 석사, 박사 학위 취득 (영어 통사론 전공)
현재 춘해보건대학교 교수 재직 중
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